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Artist Spotlight

Kobransky - the golden rebel

Successful visual artists come from elite families, carry titles of nobility and have seen the inside of at least one renowned boarding school. At least this is a common prejudice. The Berlin gold painter Kobransky proves the opposite: single mother, no school-leaving qualifications. And yet, within just a few years, he has emerged as a sought-after up-and-coming painter. With exhibitions in the most prominent locations in Europe and sales all over the world.

Self-taught with passion

Using his own creativity has always been an exciting topic for Kobransky. At the age of 15, he decided to learn how to play the piano. Instead of attending a music school and taking lessons, he sat in front of his laptop for hours and studied videos of pianists. The desire to pursue a career as a composer of film music matured. With a lot of discipline and self-motivation, the Wolfsburg native became a talented musician. First commissions for film productions, appearances on TV, and his own publications followed. The interest in fine arts followed a few years later by chance. "I actually just wanted to buy a new jacket from a designer who was in demand," Kobransky recalls. Some colorful paintings by Voka fascinated the 30-year-old so much that he became increasingly interested in fine art. So he studied painting techniques, the art epochs, art history, and the possibilities of the art market. His first attempts were limited to black backgrounds and golden colors. A trademark that he has retained to this day. "I just went for it," Kobransky says. The first works he painted were portraits of musicians, and he showed them to his friends and relatives. Quite quickly, the gold paintings attracted a lot of interest on social media. "Shortly after, I sold my first paintings to a star conductor for a four-figure sum," the gold painter reports. Today, his portraits, buildings, and animals adorn famous places all over Europe. Among other things, the Berlin-born artist has been able to fill permanent exhibitions at the Berlin Chancellery, in Paris and Zurich.

Artist Kobransky on his Exhibition at Steigenberger Hotel in Berlin, Summer 2022

Color gold as a central element

Central to Kobransky's paintings is the color gold. "Gold has somehow always fascinated me," says the artist. By now, the Berliner is a real expert in this field. Together with a personal assistant, he applies the gold leaf using a technique all his own. The shiny color has great significance for the Berliner. For him, it stands for the hermetic laws and what we humans can achieve. This is a theme that the up-and-coming talent dealt with during a financially difficult time. He says that the book called "The Master Key System" triggered a change in him. It changed his way of thinking and his way of behaving. For him, the golden colors thus also stand for the golden times that we humans can achieve with a certain mindset. Kobransky also receives encouraging feedback on his art from many of his buyers today. He often hears that viewers feel their own drive of motivation when they look at his golden works. Whether for spiritual reasons or out of purely visual enthusiasm, the artist's list of prospective buyers now includes thousands of people. Even prominent athletes and musicians already have golden paintings of him at home. He now sends his paintings around the world. In addition, there are permanent exhibitions in various luxurious locations and entertaining vernissages at the most prestigious houses in the country.

The joy of creative work

The school dropout made his first million with his artwork. Today, he has arrived among Berlin's art elite and is a sought-after painter for golden paintings of people, animals, and buildings. In the foreground for him is the joy of creative work. In the coming years, we will probably hear a lot more from the ambitious artist. Plans include major exhibitions in Dubai, Vienna, and London. In addition, he would like to open a new large art gallery in Berlin in the spring of 2023, according to Kobransky.

Anyone interested in his works can find them for purchase on his website at

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