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Living uniqueness: Julia Dedicata

Julia Dedicata is a visual artist from Hesse. Her artistic talent was recognized early, which led to her first exhibitions and sales at the young age of 14. Through this peculiarity, she lived the dream of many artists to be promoted and appreciated at an early age and to attract attention with their art.

How did your first work of art come to be sold?

I think I was 14 at the time. There was an exhibition at the museum in the neighboring town that I took part in. I was, of course, completely overwhelmed and proud when someone wanted to buy one of my paintings, I think for 150€ at that time.

What do the collectors of your works appreciate most about your art?

Emotions play a big role in my art. I work on my works with the appropriate sensitivity. Sometimes really loud and sometimes quiet. The viewer perceives this, and a personal connection is created.

"Ich träume von einer Welt in der alle Menschen sich ihrer Einzigartigkeit und Vollkommenheit bewusst sind und ihren Weg selbstbestimmt gehen.“

Was sind Themen besonderer Bedeutung, die Sie auch immer wieder in Ihrer Kunst behandeln?

Ich möchte mit meiner Kunst dazu ermutigen, sich seiner Einzigartigkeit und Vollkommenheit bewusst zu werden und selbstbestimmt den eigenen Weg zu gehen.Ich beschäftige mich viel mit den Bedürfnissen von Menschen. Hinterfrage: Was brauchen wir wirklich? Das bringen natürlich auch meine Kunstwerke zum Ausdruck. Oft fordern sie heraus, neue Gedanken zu denken und neue Wege zu gehen.

Können Sie uns ein wenig mehr über die „Back to yourself“-Serie erzählen?

Sehr gerne. Diese Serie ist eine meiner emotionalsten Serien für mich selbst, da sie entstanden ist, während ich sozusagen selbst in dem Prozess steckte, mich frei zu machen, von äußeren Erwartungen. Ich musste meine Komfortzone verlassen, um meinen Weg als Künstlerin offensiv zu gehen. Ich möchte mit dieser Serie gerade jungen Menschen Mut machen, ihre Träume anzupacken. Wenn du mit dem Herzen dabei bist und bodenständig dein Ziel verfolgst, spielt es auch keine Rolle, ob du in der Großstadt oder wie ich in einem kleinen Dorf aufgewachsen bist.

"My art creates a world where uniqueness is celebrated,, and people cheer each other on to boldly live their dreams."

At what point in your life did you begin to identify as an artist?

Inwardly, always. Art has always been my way of coming down and expressing myself. I've always worked creatively. However, in order to actually take this step offensively, as I do now, I first had to go through an inner process, come to terms with various imprints and leave my comfort zone.

How do your ideas come about, and how do you develop them?

My inspiration often comes from everyday life and interpersonal relationships. I work a lot with emotions and have made my sensitivity my strength. I perceive a lot between the lines. That then works in me until it has to come out. On the canvas.

Which places / spaces have a special meaning in your art?

Neither particular places nor spaces play a role in my art. Rather, it is about creating free spaces and using them. In the sense of making oneself free from external expectations and expressed untruths. To become aware of one's perfection and uniqueness and thus to unfold freely. I feel that way when I'm out in nature because there I can just be – it doesn't judge me.

Do you surround yourself with other artists? What is your environment like? Are there people here who have an influence on your art?

Of course. I think you can't avoid that at all when you work creatively yourself, and that's a good thing. I find it absolutely enriching to exchange ideas with other artists, even across media.

What role do innovation and tradition play for you?

I would describe myself more as an innovative thinker – I see what can be. Nevertheless, I appreciate the value of existing traditions, especially in current, fast-moving times. They provide stability and deserve respect. At the same time, traditions are the basis for new and innovative things. There must be movement in order to achieve progress. I particularly love the possibility of combining old and new - something very special often emerges from this combination, which can also connect generations.

Is there a work of art in your life that has particularly impressed you?

Spontaneously, the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarotti comes to mind. I think it is also one of the most reproduced paintings. The detail of the two hands hung above the front door of my parents' house for years and has always had a special effect on me.

Gegenüber Nr. 2 - 120x120cm

What is your unique selling point that sets you apart from other artists?

I work with a special technique. By applying several layers of paint and incorporating a wide variety of materials, such as wood, foil, or sand, the often striking structures are created, through which I always want to emphasize the perfection of the unique. Whether by brush, spatula, or hands is the same; in the painting process, I let myself be guided by art. The distinct sensitivity with which I approach my works is transferred to the viewer and thus builds a particularly emotional connection.

Do you have any current or future projects you'd like to talk about?

In the spring, an exhibition is planned near my hometown in Herborn. After that, Frankfurt and Berlin are on the schedule. All the exact dates and locations will be announced on my website. Otherwise, planning for the shooting of my new artist video is going on in the background right now.

Available artwork and information about Julia Dedicata at:

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